Happy 4th of July! To the wax community this great holiday is also signifying the final day of SAS for both Bath & Body Works and Yankee Candle. I don’t know about you but I’m ready for these sales to be over, BBW especially had a disappointing selection in my region. The best purchase I made was actually during the last week of the sale and I am so excited to show you what I found.
I ended up at Foxwoods casino, which surprisingly has a BBW outlet, and there was a beautiful table of overflowing candles. All the usual spring/summer scents and a ton of last winter’s fragrances. Nothing was especially catching my eye at first, but then I saw it. The super rare test candle Key Lime Pie just sitting there waiting for me to buy it.

There ended up being 4 Key Lime Pie candles hidden on this table and I bought them all. No shame. I’ve since gifted one to my BFF and we both have been going crazy over this treasure. If you’ve ever smelled Yankee Candle’s Key Lime Pie and Vanilla Lime candles, BBW found the perfect balance between the two. Add in a hint of graham cracker crust and it’s just heavenly. The best part? These rang up at 75% and I had a coupon bringing the price to a little over $4 each.
This location also had a small selection of mini Fall candles. I was ecstatic when I saw Pumpkin Pie sitting there – I’m terrified this won’t make a comeback for 2016. I ended up picking up 5 of these little guys and they came to a little over $1 each. SCORE! (Finally.)

When the $10 candle sale popped up later in the week I decided to head back to Foxwoods and try my luck again. This was the only store that had a half-decent selection so the trip was totally worth it. I ended up getting 5 candles (pictured at beginning of post) for $6 each after coupon.
I’m happy that SAS is over so we can begin to discover upcoming collections. (I especially can’t wait to find out what Fall test candles come out in the next week!) At least now I know which BBW location I should head to first for future sales. What was your best score during SAS? Share in the comments!
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