I tend to correlate every month of Autumn with a specific seasonal fruit; in November I just happen to be craving cranberry! Over the years I’ve been searching for a go-to cranberry fragrance and have yet to discover a favorite. They usually end up being a bit too tart for my nose and I definitely need something to sweeten it up. The best I’ve found so far are two wax melts from Wal-Mart.
Cranberry Cookie Crumble from Better Homes and Gardens was released during the 2016 holiday season and Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie is still on-shelves as it was released in the latest fall collection. The two definitely have have the same base with the slightest differences upon examination. The oatmeal version has a much sweeter cranberry note while the crumble has a tarter cranberry and prominent sugar cookie note.
Aside from cranberry scents, I always look forward to eating cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving and could always go for a glass of cranberry juice. I usually mix in a magnesium supplement to my cranberry drinks to sweeten it up a bit. Otherwise, I’m still looking for those cranberry items that’ll make it into my holy grail items for years to come!
What are your favorite cranberry fragrances and recipes? Share in the comments!
Don’t forget to check out the other bloggers participating in the Fall Fun Series too!