November was a tough month for me; a lot of obstacles were thrown my way all the while I was constantly on the go. I’m one of those people that needs their relaxing alone time and I didn’t get much of that this month. It was definitely a slower burning month but I did get through 6 candles and 6 wax melts!

Smoked Caramel (1-wick) – The name of this candle describes this fragrance best – you get an equally strong caramel and smoky scent. It’s a really interesting combination from Target that’s perfect for the Fall. However, this only threw around a 2 even when put on the melter and wouldn’t pool out even when tin foiled. If it had a better performance I definitely would’ve picked up another.
Sweater Weather (1-wick) – Can you believe I’ve NEVER burned this scent before?! I don’t know why I waited so long to experience this candle. On cold it has more of a cologne note but when melting a background apple comes out. Next Fall I’ll definitely be picking up my first 3-wick!
Autumn Leaves (1-wick) – Wow, this was the strongest Yankee Candle I’ve ever burned. Within minutes of lighting this it filled my entire open concept living room. Aside from the great burn, the scent was a fresh Fall fragrance with undertones of apple and cinnamon. Absolutely amazing and I will repurchase again next year!
Cranberry Chutney (1-wick) – This is a nice sweet cranberry scent but only threw around a 3 in my small kitchen. It was nice but way too light (especially for the amount of oils that were visible) for me to ever repurchase.
Autumn Air (1-wick) – I’m still struggling to determine if this is a dupe for BBW’s Marshmallow Fireside or Radiant Red Maple. It definitely leans more towards MF but has a slight apple undertone. Yet this was another Yankee that didn’t throw well. I probably won’t waste my money again and will just stick to the BBW classics.
Chestnut & Clove (3-wick) – This is an absolutely amazing transition fragrance from Fall to Winter. It has a top note of clove, mid-note of chestnuts, and an undertone of vanilla. I usually burn this the week leading up to Thanksgiving and it didn’t disappoint this year. My only issue was that the wicks were off center making it difficult to pool out. Either way this is a hoard worthy one for me!

Brandied Pumpkin – This was a very nice pumpkin fragrance but didn’t have much of a brandy note. I enjoyed it while it lasted but wouldn’t repurchase, like most Kringle products.
Autumn Winds – I think this is pretty comparable to BBW Ski Lodge if not an exact dupe. It was a great bedroom scent but again I wouldn’t repurchase.
Perfect Pumpkin Ale – I enjoyed this much more than I expected to! It definitely had pumpkin (which is always a nice surprise) and you could really smell that ale note. If this comes out again next year I’ll definitely pick it up again – I’m trying to downsize my collection a bit before stocking up on more.
Caramel Pumpkin Seeds – This was a beautiful caramel pumpkin combination on cold sniff but it didn’t translate the same when warm. I didn’t enjoy it as much as I was hoping to and would hold off on buying again.
Cranberry Cookie Crumble – This was my favorite wax melt of the month and I went through 2 clam shells! There is a tart cranberry top note mixed with a sweet cookie fragrance. It really is wonderful and I have already bought back ups!

Pumpkin Pecan Waffles (wallflower) – Oh my gosh, I think this was my favorite form of this fragrance yet. You don’t get as much “cereal” scent like from the candle making it a delicious sweet fragrance. I hope they release this again next year!
Chestnut & Clove (wallflower) – In wallflower form, the vanilla comes out so much more than the candle. I still enjoy it just as much but it does tend to start having a Marshmallow Fireside feel to it. I wish this was released in this form again because I don’t have anymore in my collection!
Pumpkin Cranberry Cider (hand sanitizer) – Like most BBW products, there is no pumpkin in this. It does have a strong tart cranberry scent and an undertone of cider. It was nice but not my favorite.
Pumpkin Pecan Waffles (soap) – Last year I was dying to get my hands on this soap after using it at my mom’s house. However it did not smell like PPW at all – I wouldn’t be surprised if the wrong label was thrown onto this bottle.
Marshmallow Mittens (hand sanitizer) – This is essentially Marshmallow Fireside in sanitizer form and I’m so sad that they didn’t come out with this again!
While it was a slower month for melting I had some pleasant surprises like Autumn Leaves from Yankee Candle and Cranberry Cookie Crumble from Better Homes and Garden. I’m excited for some sweeter scents to get in the holiday spirit in December, I think my first pick will be Marshmallow Fireside – it’s usually the candle I melt while I decorate my Christmas tree!
What did you melt in November and what do you plan on burning in December? Share in the comments!
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